I have been using MIRx for positioning, but I am demo-ing Vienns Suite Original in part as an alternative.
When inserting an instance of Vienna Power Panner in VE Pro one is presented with three different options. Mono to Mono. Mono to Stereo, and Stereo to Stereo. I am positioning VSL Special Edition instruments, and I need help so I can figure out when it is appropriate to use each option.
Either a pointer to a helpful resource or a brief explanation would be most helpful. I don't find anything in the manual regarding this, so I figure it must be some sort of general mixing knowledge that I don't have.
Edited to add:
Based on this VI Control thread, it appears that since nearly all VSL instruments are recorded in stereo, the normal option to use for them would be Stereo to Stereo. I'm happy to receive any instructive responses, however.
Synchron - Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elite Str, Duality Str & Sordino, Prime Studio - Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir Studio Dim - Brass, Strings VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro Cubase 14, Studio One 6, Dorico 5