New to VEP5 so trying to understand the best way to establish a workflow; here are some of my thoughts. I use Logic X not that it really matters.
First, create some individual instance/projects: one for strings, one for brass, etc.
Second, create some metaframes. Start VEP5 server; you can add your instnaces by drag and dropping them into the server window and then save those selected instances as a metaframe. Being able to drag and drop instances seems to be a great way to quickly load the items you need in a particular project. Unfortunately you have to do these one at a time; but if you cold multi-select then you could really move fast building up the instances you'd need for a song.
Now I create a song in LX using the instances in my metaframe. Should I be saving a metaframe named to match my LX project song? Then in the future I would open the LX project metaframe first and then my LX song? I think this is what the manual documentation is saying when saving DECOUPLED (see below).
What I notice is if I open an empty server window with no instances; then open the LX song with preserved instances that the VEP5 server will be loaded with VEP5 instances used in the LX song that had preserve on/active. Awesome! However of course in this scenario an unsaved metaframe is created. (or should I just call that a server window becasue it is not a metaframe until saved as a metaframe).
I'm just looking for some workflow recommendations.