Thanks Goran ;)
I don't have the project opened in front of me, but I used the Grosser Sall Stage, (Conductor), Dry/wet offset at -30%, MIRacle3.6s Gr. Saal set at 20dB wet. For this piece, in MIR, I preferred to have the strings more in arc shape of 2 rows and not too close from the coductor, each string section overlap a bit with each other, the muted trumpets are in the center closer to the back, the rest is scattered in the rest of the spots. I used the VSL compressor for each instrument, but for the strings I'd use the dimension strings compressing for the general section: One for violins, one for violas etc A bit of exciter here and there, at the output a general VSL compressor "Modern clear Master" in this case, although it tends to be a bit too much sometimes so I brought down the volume before that a bit. A bit of VSL Master Equalizer and I think that's about it. I told you what I did, but honestly I don't think it's an area I'm good at, I just can't find the time to work at this more, but I can get by at least.