1a. The Special Edition does not have specific divisi patches. For that matter, it is my understanding that neither do the full standard Strings collection (Chamber, Orchestral and Appassionata Strings). Neither do most string libraries (but there are a few exceptions like LASS and Spitfire Sable). But VSL has Dimension Strings where you can have complete divisi flexibility.
1b. That said, it is my understanding that with VSL (non-Dimension) Strings, including Special Edition strings, you can still DO acceptable divisi for most purposes. You just have to make certain adjustments to account for volume and "thickness" buildup. Others can probably advise you better than I with regard to that.
2a. In my opinion VI Pro, while not absolutely necessary to start with, is such a useful tool that I would absolutely include it up front with my first purchase. Believe me, you WILL get it anyway as soon as you can once you start working with VSL and understand the capabilities and features it adds to your toolbox. It is definitely not overkill.
2b. According to the MIRx product pages, you CAN use MIRx without upgrading to VI Pro. Again, in my opinion I wouldn't let that slow you down from getting VI Pro.
3. You do not have full flexibility to change MIR-x. For each instrument you do get several presets to choose from. For example with Violin sections you will get a preset for First Violins and Second Violins, helpful since VSL does not come with separate patches for this. For individual Triple Horns you get presets for up to four separate players. Things like this mean you don't have to use The Transposition Trick to differentiate separated players. Other instruments might have presets for up to two players. All instruments have multiple generic positioning presets available.. But you do not have full MIR flexibility. You can't move instruments around except with presets, and you can't tweak most paramenters, only the Wet/Dry slider.
4. Stupid? Weill, it would be counterintuitive, but in the end it would be up to you to judge the effect. I would suggest you get the trial version and put it through it's paces.
5. According to the System Requirement on the product page, MIRx DOES work with the standard VI player tha comes with any Special Edition purchase. Don't take my word for it, go to the product page.
6. If it was me, I would prioritize VI Pro and MIRx over a PLUS articulation expansion. Re: Vol 1 PLUS or Vol 2 standard, it really depends on what kind of work you are most likely to focus on. If you want to write for Chamber Strings, and if you can do without PLUS articulations like trills and fortepiano, then by all means go for Vol 2 first. For what I did I wanted the PLUS articulations first.
Again, all this is just one man's opinion. Others may advise differently. One thing I would keep in mind is having all the instruments and all the articulations in the world does not make up for learning to work with the capabilities of the VSL "system." Special Edition Vol 1, VI Pro and MIRx will get you working with most of that system, and IMO it is more important to dive into and learn those than it is to multiply instruments and articulations. Once you learn to use these tools effectively, then you can expand into more instruments, more afticulations, and the full world of MIR Pro, VE Pro and Vienna Suite.