Using the Horizons Solo Strings on Gigastudio 3.0 Orchestra, I get strong contrast in dynamics for a tiny difference in note velocity:
Example recording:
Repeated Bb3 at dynamic level (key velocity) 88 and 90. Solo 'cello instrument, VC_mV_sus (but I found the same in others too).
The controllers used: cc 1 = 0 cc 7 = 112 cc 8 = 0 cc 10 = 74 cc 11 = 110
Don't know if this is a problem in the solo strings or in how they load into gigastudio 3? Can someone help with getting a slight variation in dynamics without the big bump on the 2nd and 3rd note?
The line is written (velocity only, all else is the same)
Bb3: 88 90 92 88 84 92 94
The line sounds something like this (listen to the mp3):
Bb3: 65 110 110 65 65 110 110
Any suggestions?
Example recording:
Repeated Bb3 at dynamic level (key velocity) 88 and 90. Solo 'cello instrument, VC_mV_sus (but I found the same in others too).
The controllers used: cc 1 = 0 cc 7 = 112 cc 8 = 0 cc 10 = 74 cc 11 = 110
Don't know if this is a problem in the solo strings or in how they load into gigastudio 3? Can someone help with getting a slight variation in dynamics without the big bump on the 2nd and 3rd note?
The line is written (velocity only, all else is the same)
Bb3: 88 90 92 88 84 92 94
The line sounds something like this (listen to the mp3):
Bb3: 65 110 110 65 65 110 110
Any suggestions?