@thenightwatch said:
I did this without loading the MAS version of the plugin in DP. Did VEPro somehow already open/convert the instances as MAS instances? In other words, everything just worked without me having to select the MAS version of the VEPro Ensemble Pro, or de-select the AU version in DP. All I had to do was re-connect the instances.
nightwatch, I know this seems sn overly simple amswer, but is it possible that, when you installed the new VEPro5, that you installed *only* the MAS plugin? That's what I did (on purpose) and my system's reacting just as you describe your's, i.e. when I open a VEPro5 server, then DP. then insert a VEPro5 Instance, it's already a MAS Vepro4 Instance - with out me having to make any other selections, re: Au or otherwise?
Hi willimmyers! Thanks for the reply. I like to see how things are going to work as I install them (a sort of preemptive troubleshooting mode kicks in). Actually, I did the opposite thing as I wanted to see what would happen if I updated everything. I also generally keep all my main plugins in as many formats as I can, ready for other software.
It still did the same thing that happened to both of us. The only thing I can think of is that DP reverts to a MAS version if a MAS and an AU plugin is installed. So even though my previous version was using AU, when I opened the template this morning, DP and VEPRO just replaced the AU version for the MAS version. Also keep in mind after installation, the VEPro instrument instances were disconnected from their VE instances. When I connected one, it was working with 32 ports and 16 midi channels (the image above was taken as that happened). Whichever the case, AU can not use midi ports and my system is working as discussed so I must be using the MAS version. Only way to find out is to disable the AU plugin in the prefs and see if the instance still works. That will confirm it. I might be able to dig into the xml file somewhere and check that way, but it seems obvious all is well.
Anyway, enjoy or new gift!