This is imho exactly the Problem:
- Wikipdia lists 12 Articulationmarks at all (including the fermata) and for all instruments.
- If you own the complete available VSL-Orchestra, you can have up to hunderts of different patches just for one instrumenttrack (with different reasonable combinations of dimensionstring I do have moe than 300 patches loaded just for the violintrack and it is for nearly each other instrument more or less the same: to few articulation cannot cover to much available patches).
Imho expressionmaps are definitly not ready to handle this amount of articulationpatches
It is this vast amount of available variety wich is as powerful as complex to handle.
I think the most intuitive way to handle would be to search the right patch by combining the demanded qualities. In parts you can programm something like this already now with VIPro matrices. But it is still quite tedious.
It would be great if the VSL-Developpers would began to think about this problem and make it more intuitive to work with their really great and impressive variety of orchestral samples..