Hey Guys,
Well .. here's another score that I did for the most recent Vancouver B movie factory TV Show episode. This one is episode 18 - Your Move. It's a bit hard to describe as it goes into surrealism but the basics of it is a 10 year old martial arts student learns valuable life lessons in strange visions that see him become a teenager and an adult. It's a story of enlightenment with some kick ass fight scenes and, I think, some really nice warm and dignified scenes.
VBMF EP18 - Your Move (Music Score)
The music really gets to run a huge gamot of Serene, exciting, tense, Hard edge action, and glowing love. Music track made with Logic Pro X using:
Vienna Symphonic Library VI's - Appassionata Strings, Dimension Violins, Chamber Violins, Flute 1, 8 Horns, 6 Trumpets, Soprano Choir, Special Edition 1&2, VSL Electric Guitar and VSL First Edition Percussion.
Also used was Omnisphere and Logic built in Drum & Percussions Patches. Processed with Vienna Suite and Steve Slate Plugs.
I was also the film editor on this episode which is again a huge boon as I get to really setup the scenes as I want for when I write the music. In this case I had 4 days to edit the film (a short film at 6mins 30sec), and only 1 day to write the music, and 1 day for sound design. It's a nerve wracking challenge to say the least but I'm very happy with how this music came out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy .. it may not be Mozart .. but I reckon you'll like it.
- Hetoreyn
P.S. If it bugs anyone that I dared to put drums. bass and synth in this piece .. please be assured that NONE of it is loops. All of the beats, basslines and such are written from scratch and played using Logics built in modules.