I put a " flute 1" playing with a bass flute. There's combfiltering all over the place. including replacing the bass flute with a "flute 1" I provided an audio sample. Flute plays an E4 and bass flute a B3. Worse than scratching a chalkboard, isn't it? Flute quartets are possible in real life. This happens with many instruments. How do I fix this issue in general. This has limited my options many times with many instruments.
How to deal with Combiltering?
To describe what to listen for, it sounds like a third sound underneath the two. Like a faint lower pitch buzzing.
Extremely interesting. I have to look into Combination Tones more. Been busy lately.
I do not hear any phasing issues. Am I tonedeaf?
No, and that isn't comb-filtering.
Extremely interesting. I have to look into Combination Tones more. Been busy lately.
Combination tones will be exaggerated if you pass the dyad (two notes summed) through a nonlinear process like compressor or saturator. See: