I've been using 2 keys on the same machine for a long time with no problems as well.
@NG1 said:
I've been using 2 keys on the same machine for a long time with no problems as well.
same for me
Multiple licenses on one key?
Yes, of course. That's the standard usage scenario.
My original question refered to the usage scenario of multiple keys on one computer (relevant for traveling when you don't want to carry all your valuable licenses with you - or in case you want to spread your samples over multiple computers). +
If you want to have a dongle for home and a dongle for traveling you need two licenses for the same product
Except VE 5 and VI Pro that has a 3 licences each.
What is not clear to me :
If I own SE, SE + and most of the Individual instrument. Can I have the licenses of SE on a dongle and the licences of all the individual instruments on another.
So I can use SE and SE + on one traveling computer and the main lib on my BIG computer
So far I think that the Dongle is too long for travelling, there are much more chances you brake it.
If it is behind a desktop there are no problems, but connected to the USB port of a MBP, it is very dangerous
What could be a very good idea is to enable with your dongle for a week of two the licences on a laptop and beeing able to remove the dongle off the USB port
What is a shame on all this is that the user that has paid there library have constrait because of the one that are trying to pirate it
Now that VSL has more time, they should think of a solution that does not penalize the user that has paid !
So far I think that the Dongle is too long for travelling, there are much more chances you brake it.
If it is behind a desktop there are no problems, but connected to the USB port of a MBP, it is very dangerous
There is a litle USB "pig tail" that I use with dongles. If there is an accident, it's more likely, that the pig tail or the USB port *PLEASE DON"T LET THIS HAPPEN* will be damaged, not the dongle.
So far I think that the Dongle is too long for travelling, there are much more chances you brake it.
If it is behind a desktop there are no problems, but connected to the USB port of a MBP, it is very dangerous
There is a litle USB "pig tail" that I use with dongles. If there is an accident, it's more likely, that the pig tail or the USB port *PLEASE DON"T LET THIS HAPPEN* will be damaged, not the dongle.
this is very interesting, can you give us the link
@GTBannah said:
I'm sure you have these in a store near you.
But I cannot see the cable USB to USB to connect the VSL dongle