That is correct. I really like the performance detache patch, and I wish all string libraries had it. What I don't like with the regalur detache, is sometimes I may play a note that is longer than the detache sample, so the sample ends earlier. The sound between detache-long and performance-detache is very different. I could potentially create a gap between notes in a performance legato to trigger a bow change, but still the sound is different compared to a performance detache. Oh well...
I'd like to hesitate a guess - perhaps in an ensemble situation, it is difficult/not possible to capture such an articulation? But anyways, hopefully you can find a solution!
@noldar12 said:
If you don't have it, have you thought about getting VI Pro? Using the stretch feature you could create longer detaches.
I do have VI Pro, and I did stretch the detache-long but it barely reached the desired length... [^o)] The performance-detache sounds so realistic, you can hear the bow changing smoothly and naturally...
Yeah that's true, this the kind of sound I've alway's failed to acheive with sample libraries.
This is a really good example DG.
The closest articulation is the Dim Strings perf marcato. But it as stronger attacks. And there is a perf-Spiccato patch somewhere in the Orchestral strings or chamber strings (I don't remember wich one). We should give it a try.
@nektarios said:
Well that shows that it's not always easy to tell, with the right sort of music and articulations. To be fair, this example was from a custom, experimental product that I've been toying with, but not had time to finish. Perhaps I should. [;)]
@nektarios said:
Great job! So it's not VSL...? Actually, this kind of sound is very important to me (I heard it a few times before in songs). I always thought it's possible with VSL but had not yet discovered on how to do it.
No, it's not VSL. For a start, the person recording the samples was a well dodgy player.....
I tried this kind of phrase at the same tempo with the chamber strings perf-spiccato and dimension's perf-marcato. The result is quite good, maybe not as convincing as DG exemple but surprisingly good. I have layered only the Dim violins player 1 with the chamber violins.
I don't have VSL solo strings dough.
@DG said:
Glad you guys like my example. At least it proves that it is possible to do using samples.
If only we can have this detache performance patch also for other than Solo strings. Nice example.