If you give some examples of the string sound that you are going for, I'm sure several people could suggest which libraries to look into.
VSL instruments are all recorded "dry" so that you can use any type of reverb and effects to shape your sound to what you want. Without any reverb on them they can sound pretty flat, but with a nice reverb and good panning they sound amazing, and with MIR they are incredible. That's why I suggested your get MIRx, (if you don't have it already). It will give you the big wow factor sound that I think you are looking for, and you can demo it for free.
It sounds like you are getting started in midi orchestration, so before you buy any more libraries, I'd suggest you make midi versions of several different pieces that you like. Starting with solo or solo and piano, quartets, chamber, then orchestra or just orchestra sections. You don't have to do the entire piece, just a page or two so you can try out the different articulations and see how varying articulations changes the realism. Learning midi instruments is no different then learning to play an actual instument, and there is a learning curve to the VSL libraries, but it is definitly worth it. Also, you'll get better results if you actually play each part into your DAW and edit the articulations, vel x-fade, etc... as you like, as opposed to entering the piece into Sibelius/Finale as their playback can sound rather robotic. You may also want to look into VIP, for it's humanize function, which you can demo as well.
I'm just throwing out these suggestions, because I don't know what your budget is. And, once your start looking at adding additional string libraries or LASS the cost can quickly add up, and that's not including the hardware you need to run them on, VEP, or more expensive versions of MIR!
My suggestion would be to work with SE and whatever other libraries you have for now, until you hit a point where no matter what you do, you just can't get the sound that you want, then start researching what you need to get that sound, it could be a midi trick, effects, or a certain library. I know from experience it is very easy to spend a lot of money on synths and samples that sound incredible on their own and are great fun, but once I added them to my studio their sound didn't blend with the rest of my gear or they just didn't have the features I needed for my workflow.
Best wishes,