That was my dilemma too. I thought for sure that Teldex would be more useful. I use some of the Orchestral Tool stuff, and LASS, and Teldex sounds more like the libraries that I tend to buy. But, I use Grosser Saal more often. Go figure. Teldex is brighter with a slight midrange dip that gives some instruments (brass especially), a bit of a metallic sound. Maybe because some of the Kontakt libs are a bit hyped sounding out of the box, Teldex tends to add to that, where Grosser can sometimes tame it.
That's been my conclusions so far. As I get faster with EQ I may be saying something different, but I get good milage out of Grosser Saal because I like the darker and bassier tone. My music tends to fit Grosser Saal, but I may write more with Teldex in mind.
"general soundtrack/trailer/library/film/tv work" Those are all different rooms to me. Sorry.