Help! I've been running VI and VE on Pro Tools. I have an Ensemble file with 48 instances of VI (for Dimension Strings).
I just upgraded to VI Pro. Now what? When Pro Tools launches, VE launches with the original VI instances. I tried saving them as Presets, adding s VI Pro instance and then loading the preset, as stated in the VI Pro manual, but it replaces it with the original VI instance, and I'm back where I started.
Is there a simple way to rebuild the VE file? I certainly don't want to start over. and have to re-edit everything. DO I have to save 48 presets, add 48 new VI Pro Instances, load the presets and then delete the original VI instances? If so, how?
John Melcher
Upgraded to VI Pro - makes no sense!
Hi Paul, Yes, I'm feeling profoundly stupid for discovering that, five minutes after posting. All is well! And thanks for responding so quickly! John@Paul said:
Hi John,
in VE, did you click on the "File" menu and choose "Convert Project to Vienna Instruments PRO" yet?