1 - Of course I have. I have given several attempts and made several templtes to try to get it to work simply how it should have in the first place. I'm nearly ready to buy hauptwerk. I like VSL, I like the team behind it. However, this really is a scar on the product line and should be addressed.
2 - Great, is there a way to have VI Pro do it for me automatically? Other libraries can [;)] I don't want a jimmy rig on this. I'm requesting a library change or if a jimmy rig is opted for, then it should be as simple as it is with other libraries. You check a box and it happens.
3 - Crec patches don't apply to legato. My request isn't unfounded given the nature of VSL making their library dynamically flat. I'm not opposed to that, I'm simply asking for a humanize feature. This could apply to staccato velocities as well. I'm talking about creating more authentic performances with ease. If you don't like the suggestion, don't comment on it.
Please understand, I don't mean offense and I know you didn't. I simply feel that if you aren't contributing to something that will actually help me, then you are hurting this feedback, which users have discussed before about VSL. I feel strongly about these features and didn't jump on here in a rush. I have spent time thinking about them and in lieu of working on improving my systematic workflow, these are some of the most important failures within my setup. Very honestly, if these can't be addressed and if another library will... that other library will become my 'go-to' template. VSL, with only one exception, is hands-down the best library IMO. But I'm less interested in a flexible library. That has non-obligatory uses. The most obligatory function of a library is that it sounds natural when it is played. VSL is very capable of that, but only after detailed user input that is often not necessary. VSL has also lead the industry in addressing this, to create the most powerful, flexible, yet easier to use library. I'm a fan. But these are just as essential, if not more, than humanizing the pitch and timing.
I'm perfectly fine if people can't see reason on this. [:P] But in all seriousness, I'm perfectly fine finding other options. With how much competition is growing in the sampling world, my hope is that VSL will continue innovating core sollutions for their library, not reject ideas because they feel that user-created jimmy rigs are viable solutions. They might solve VSL's problem getting me off their back. They don't solve my issues.