Here is my take, for what it is worth.
I've been using EWQL for a long time, and I have never been tweeking the sound, which was excellent to begin with, out of the box.
I've been switching to VSL mainly because it offers a much larger amount of detail and realism. I must confess that I'm still working hard to find with VSL the sound that I'm after.
I can't go back to EWQL because, short of the magnificent sound, the samples look like kid toys against the VSL ones, not enough detail, not enough control, and, agreed with others, no stability, no service, etc.
Yet I still use some EWQL samples to complement the VSL ones (for example, the FF staccato bass, adorable in EWQLSO), but after years of happiness using the VI interface, it feels like pain to return to Play.
That being said, again, I'm still struggling to find a way to make VSL sound sweet warm and cosy. Solo strings are really ok to my ears, Orchestral strings a little less, and as to dimension strings, while I adore the sound (out of the box) of bass, cellos and altos, violins do cause me trouble certainly in conjunction with MIR which makes the trouble even worse : harshness and coldness. No eqing seems to get me where I want. My best take uptil now is to lower the wet/dry control in MIR to -70, and to replace the tail by an algorithmic reverb chosen for its warmth. But then, the authenticity of the MIR space is lost.
I would really like to understand why I can't reach the quality of the best demos of dimension strings.
Best regards.