Hi jhonny.eriksson
It's a pure chance that I visit this Forum. Sometimes I'm off over weeks...
Something about the row of mastering effects. With classical mixes it is not really neccessary to use a multiband compressor.
So I would use and try with the...
1. Compressor (Ratio: 1.5, 20ms Attack, 150 ms Release as a starting point) for "glueing" the sum a bit together
If you used MIR you don't need this comprssor. MIR glues together all the instruments as well (sometimes it produces too much "glue" when the Wet ratio is > 40%)
2. Master EQ, OK, for searching bad frequencies...
(3. an EQ for Sound-Design?)
- No Maximizer
- No Stereo-Enhancer with MIR!
4. ...without MIR: Why not a bit enhancing Stereo but controll the Correlation-Value. It should not go below 0 in average.
5. Limiter OK
6. Dither OK
A Mixing-Tip:
You should try that frequencies below ~ 100 Hz (or even a bit higher) are not treated by the used reverb system.
Unfortunately these frequencies are often blowed up by reverbs if you don't do anything.
Bad: you can't "repair" such a blowed up result with an EQ afterwards (with the mastering process)
I don't know how ever you want to reach this technically.
First of all you should give each instrument with the exception of the double bass a highpass filter.
For the D-bass:
Either you can filter the low frequencies before they go through the reverb or
you can filter the reverb signal itself (the two convolutions of the SUITE EFFECTs are able to).
A further solution could be:
Copy the D-bass (so that you get two tracks of it) and insert a Highpass-Filter (100Hz) in track 1. This track goes now through your reverb
as usual.
Track 2 of the bass gets a low pass filter (it lets pass frequencies below 100 Hz). Route this signal directly to the output (not through the reverb).
Now you are able to adjust the low bass frequencies separately. Find a good balance then.
And also:
If you are using MIR: Try also to lower the WET-Ratio over all (40% wet/ 60%dry - 30% wet/ 70%dry)
The result is more "crispy" without losing the room impression
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/