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  • Hi Paul, Thank you for your quick answer ! Unfortunately, i read the quick start guidelines again and again and i started VE PRO SERVER 32 and 64 bit but I still have not instances availables... the instances availables windows in Logic pro is empty.... Help me please ! Best, Tiri

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    Our developers are looking into this problem as we speak.

    Shouldn´t happen with Logic, though.

    TIRI, could you please send some screenshots to for me to check?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi, All right but which one ? Tiri

  • Hello Tiri, 

    Just some screenshots that show VE PRO Server open, and the Server Interface plug-in (on the same screen), with the eLCC software open, and maybe step by step  from inserting the Server Interface - basically so that I can see what you see... 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    just wanna let you know that this problem's happening to me as well since I installed the latest update.

    I'm working with Logic 9.1.8 and VE-PRO 5.3.13141.

    - no server's showing up on the connection-window of VE-Server

    - after manually typing the localhost-URL ( the software's running fine though!

    all the best,

    - Miro -

  • Hi there, the same is happening for me too.  I am using only one computer - no slave.

    All software is up to date. 

    I open VEP PRO Server 64-bit, load up a metaframe, and an instance of VEP opens with an audio input ready.



    Mac Pro 3.2 GHz Xeon 8-core

    18 GB RAM

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    Please update to VE PRO 5.3.13151, available in your User Area.

    This bug should be fixed now.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi Paul,

    Still not working for me.  Its very strange, because a few days ago, when I first installed MIR, and thought I would start to migrate to using VEP5 as a server so that I can keep instruments loaded between Logic songs, it worked! I managed to get a single channel of audio from Logic to VEP5 successfully.  Then I wanted to be able to automate the faders in VEP5, so I looked up the instructions and inserted the VEP Pro Event Input plugin on an instrument track in Logic and then found that the instance of available VEP5s was blank.  Going back to the audio channel, this too was now showing "not assigned" and none available in the list.  After numerous retarts, and creating new Logic songs and new VEP5 instances, no luck.

    So now I have installed the newest version of VEP5 as you suggested, restarted, and now it is the same deal.

    The OS is 10.8.5, Logic X 10.0.6, Intel Xeon 8-core with 18 GB RAM.



    @Paul said:


    Please update to VE PRO 5.3.13151, available in your User Area.

    This bug should be fixed now. 



  • I am having the same issue with the latest version 13151. I am no longer able to connect to an instance on the same computer no instance available

  • Hi Jack and Charlie,

    Please send me some screenshots that show both the VE PRO Server in the background open and the connected Server Interface and then the Event/Audio Input plug-ins.

    Please include your OS versions and used software versions.

    Charlie, does it work if you type in the SLAVE field?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Have just sent you screen shots.

    I should also add that I tried it with both Logic 9 and Protools 11, and it was the same story.



  • Hi Paul ,

    I have also sent my screenshot to 

  • I have a solution on this that worked for me.

    I upgraded to VE Pro Version 5.3.13151 - but I was launching Vienna Ensemble Pro Server (64 Bit) from the dock.

    Somehow, the dock icon seemed to be launching an older version of VE Pro Server, rendering the 64-bit Server and the Interface incompatible.

    (You can check this by typing into the Interface's SLAVE field, as suggested by Paul and reading the warning that comes up).

    Solution - I went to the new 5.3.13151 version in my Apps folder, opened VE Pro Server from there and - hey presto!

    I dragged the icon from the updated folder to the dock and now the correct versions are all launched.

    Hope this helps - it works fine for me now.

  • It has taken a while, but what solved my issue (see above) was to disable Little Snitch, and Norton Firewall.  Little Snitch I found wasn't configurable to let the VEP server connect with Logic, and the Norton Firewall was picking up the connection attempts as "suspicious activity", therefore blocking them.  Strangely, though, even after registering all the attempts as "trustworthy" it still didn't work, so I have disabled the Norton Firewall and enabled the OSX firewall which doesn't seem to have a problem.

  • When I updated to 13151 on my PC the instances disappeared from Logic. Turned off firewall on PC, no help. Reverted to previous VEP version and now it works fine.

  • Hi Paul,

    I am experiencing the same problem too with my VEP 5. I just bought a VEP 5 and planning to operate it with a Mac slave.

    Below is my specs for both MACs:

    1.Mac spec for DAW:  OS X 10.9.3, Processor 2x 3.46 GHz- Core Intel Xeon, memory 64 Gb 1333 MHz DD3

    2. Mac spec for Slave:  OS X 10.9.3, Processor 2.8 GHz- Quad Core Intel Xeon , 32 Gb 

    Using VEP Version 5.3.13407 in both Macs

    Both Macs connected via LAN Cable with switcher and able to connect to internet. 

    Below is the screenshot.


  • Hey!

    I have the same problem. I cannot connect to my VEP5 server on my slave. BUT if I open an old project it will trigger the instances on the slave and everything is open. But I can't start anything new. Problem is in Pro Tools AND DP8. Everything on the last update. I don't have the problem with an instance on my MacBook, where the DAWs are running, only on the Slave, but the connection is ok (otherwise it could not trigger the old ones?) Don't understand this issue :/

    Best regards



  • Hi, 

    Which network settings are you using?

    You should definitely use static IP addresses, and avoid 169.x.x.x addresses (these are automatically assigned by your computer and tend to change).

    Please do the following:

    Take screenshots of your existing network settings, just to be safe. 

    Then, manually assign one of these IP addresses to the computers in your setup: 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x, and assign a subnet mask of, then it should work.

    If it does not, send screenshots of your network settings to, we´ll try to help you asap. Network support is basically not part of our tech support (just to have said it), things can get quite complex, depending on your environment, knowledge and expectations... 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • THX! I just read it in another comment, sorry for the stupid question :/ I don't understand it, because I just set it up month ago (!) with another line from you and it worked all well till last week! Don#t understand it. Thank you!

  • Hi, 

    So does that mean it works again?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL