In Dimension Violins, are the Performance Trills their own set of samples that can be freely combined with Perf Vib or Perf Exp to create a larger section, and avoid phasing issues? Thanks
Are Dimension Vlns Performance Trills their own set of samples?
Thanks, I did some tests myself too and it does seem to be true. Maybe VSL can confirm this, and maybe describe a little about the characteristics of the trill preset when not used for trills.
To avoid the Phasing you must Invert the audio signal. There is a Plug-in in Logic that does it (sorry I am not in front of my Music computer)
you can easily hear it. one patch left, one patch right in the stereo field. if the same sample is used on both sides, it collapses into the center as a mono signal. if there are two different samples you hear two signals. trust your ears ;-)
performance trill is described in the manual as a very fast legato (for trill and run tempo) up to a major third. above that interval it is the normal legato.
If VSL used the same samples as is in the regular legatos, time shifted them, and added quicker transition samples, then you wouldn't hear phasing. So just curious to hear from the source here.
And inverting phase will get rid of phasing if two like audio sources are summed to mono, but in the case of the strings in question, you don't get the thickening/doubling of the section we're after here by simply inverting the phase.