VE PRO5 can not instantiate an multi-channel VST/AU instrument (for example Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ), only a stereo instrument and does not support the local audio inputs within the slave PC as for example ReaRoute virtual input on Reaper.
Using a single PC is not a problem: you can instantiate the multi-channel instrument inside a DAW like Reaper using ReaRoute or VST/AU instrument plug-in (that in the particular Hauptwerk case has up to 32 mono channels on VSTi/AUi link and up to 512 mono channels on audio interface).
Using many PCs (1 master and n slaves) on the IP network with the network capabilities of VE PRO5 the problem can not be solved : only instruments instantiated within VE PRO5 can be used on a master/slave VE PRO5 IP network architecture.
The only possibility is to use Jack Audio (on IP network) working at a lower level and viewed as a virtual sound card BUT with a lower stability and simplicity.
I hope I have been wrong but there is no other solution with the VSL software...which is still excellent.