Well another few weeks later...
I've already posted how I tried to organize the large variety of available patches. You find my posting about my initial thoughts of a "vsl-universal" Expressionmap here
Keep in mind, that even if you have a score for large Orchestra, with large string-sections there still might be passages, where there are only parts of your strings or only soloists playing. Therefore it is nice to have the complete variety available. There is no Expressionmap, that could cover all those patches, thats why I kept the expressionmap just for the different articulation "prototyps" you could find in a score.
In order to have the oportunity to copy passages from one track to another I kept this expressionmap "Vsl-universal" what means leading to the same/similar articulationtypes for (nearly) all instruments, while I controled with midi-CC's the varieties I organized inside my presets and their matrices
Since I own (like you ?) nearly all available from vsl It was definitly alot work to build the presets and it also was very helpful to have good powerfull hardware (the largest i7, very much Ram, Samples on SSD's),but once prepared it was great fun to work with even with the largest orchestral projects possible.
I hope that helped