you asked about what kind of music I made... I wondered about where to find electric percussion and bass synths that was as good or maybe better than trilogy and stylus.
I would also like your opinion on my suitcase intro
Well I think your suitcase intro sounds very well mixed. The pan pipe type sound is a bit up front and played like a keyboard player would play it, if you get my meaning. But overall, it sounds fine to me, given this particular genre. This is the thing you see Audun. If you want the strings and lead instruments to sound as realistic as possible, you will need to get an orchestral library like VSL with the legato function. I am the same myself, and can't go forward until the Mac arrives, by which time, I'll probably be dead. I'm using First edition with no perf tools, because I got caught out when Apple bought Emagic. I like using Logic, therefore I've had to wait. That's life.
Anyway, I don't know what your finances are like and it's none of my business. But, I would suggest a lib like the VSL Opus 1 with the pref tools. That would take care of the orchestral side of things and you could add to it as and when you needed to.
For pads (regarding this genre - suitcase MP3) - you can't go wrong with Atmosphere. I use it and love it. It has a patch called Hollywood Strings! [:P]
For Bass - Trilogy is excellent. I use it. So many basses to choose from. [H]
Stormdrums you have and everything I've heard so far sounds excellent with Stormdrums. I will get it. Stylus is being updated soon, I understand.
You may wish to look at the Moog plugin for other types of basses. Very good sound. And maybe FM7. [H]
Albino we covered already and it's very good. Also, for your different genre's, you may wish to look at Absynth 2. Weird and wonderful! [[:|]]
The SAM libraries are excellent, and you already have them I see.
You should be able to make a pretty good sound with that lot. I assume that you are waiting for GS3 (patiently of course - never get excited) and I understand there will be some libraries incuded, such as excerpts from VSL. Plus Gigapulse!
So the only thing left is to rob a bank! [I]
This is my personal opinion you understand, and this department takes no responsibilty for any misunderstandings and will self-destruct in 10 seconds anyway. [:D]
Good luck and bests
Edit: For goodness sake try them out first Audun. Don't just take my word for it. Phew! Nearly forgot to say that! [H] Guilt attack coming on!