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  • Installed SSD in Macbook Pro late 2011, very slow!


    Anybody here with a similar setup experiencing these problems? I installed a Crucial M4 in the optical drive using a HD Caddy. OSX and Cubase run on the SSD originally installed in the mac, and the Crucial holds all my VSL and other Kontakt libraries.

    The SSD was originally in my old PC Windows 7 system. 

    When I formatted the SSD as OSX extended (Journaled) the drive is extremely slow. I'm talking just a few megabytes per second.

    But when I reformatted the drive in my old PC again as NTFS, copied my sample libraries back on it, and reinstalled it in the mac, it was super-duper fast.

    Since I don't have to write to my sample library disk, and OSX can't write to NTFS, It's OK I can only read from it. But it kind of bugs me. Anybody here had similar or the same problems? By the way, I contacted Crucial and did everything we could (up/downgrade firmware, run garbage collection for at least 24 hours, used some special low level formatting software)... to no avail.

    With kind regards,


  • Hello

    Can ypu look in "about my Mac" what does it say about your SSD

  • Hi Cyril,

    It's a 256,06 GB Crucial M4-CT256M4SSD2, revision 309. What would you like to know more? Native Command Queuing: yes. Que depth: 32. Partition type: MBR, system: NTFS, SMART status: checked...

  • This is not what it is said in "about my Mac"

    For my SSD I have the speed and many more ...

    Intel 7 Series Chipset :

      Fournisseur : Intel

      Produit : 7 Series Chipset

      Vitesse de la liaison : 6 Gigabits

      Vitesse de liaison négociée : 6 Gigabits

      Interconnexion physique : SATA

      Description : AHCI Version 1.30 Supported

    APPLE SSD SM512E :

      Capacité : 500,28 Go (500 277 790 720 octets)

      Modèle : APPLE SSD SM512E                        

      Révision : CXM09A1Q

      Numéro de série : S0VMNYAC735194      

      NCQ (Native Command Queuing) : Oui

      Profondeur de la file d’attente : 32

      Support amovible : Non

      Disque amovible : Non

      Nom BSD : disk0

      Type de média : SSD

      Prise en charge de TRIM : Oui

      Type de carte de partition : GPT (Tableau de partition GUID)

      État S.M.A.R.T. : Vérifié

      Volumes :

    EFI :

      Capacité : 209,7 Mo (209 715 200 octets)

      Nom BSD : disk0s1

      Contenu : EFI

    Macintosh HD :

      Capacité : 120,71 Go (120 709 996 544 octets)

      Disponible : 42,12 Go (42 121 228 288 octets)

      Inscriptible : Oui

      Système de fichiers : HFS+ journalisé

      Nom BSD : disk0s2

      Point de montage : /

      Contenu : Apple_HFS

      UUID du volume : D4A9643E-4D9C-30F1-9903-6D4E64AEDBD3

    Recovery HD :

      Capacité : 650 Mo (650 002 432 octets)

      Nom BSD : disk0s3

      Contenu : Apple_Boot

      UUID du volume : ECC4ACA1-B3D8-3A34-B992-DF0A3EBD0E6E


      Capacité : 378,57 Go (378 573 819 904 octets)

      Disponible : 26,63 Go (26 632 282 112 octets)

      Inscriptible : Oui

      Système de fichiers : HFS+ journalisé

      Nom BSD : disk0s4

      Point de montage : /Volumes/MULTIMEDIA

      Contenu : Apple_HFS

      UUID du volume : 2D6790EB-E070-3348-9434-08B2EDC54665

  • I have two 512GB Crucial M4's running in MBP late '11, both with latest firmware. System drive M4 has Windows7 running in Bootcamp (which I use 99% time) and Maverick on other partition, both running just fine.

    Other M4 is in place of optical drive and full of VSL samples and some video projects. It is formatted as NTFS, but I can use it just fine with Paragon NTFS driver in OSX which allows read/write. Although I mostly use Nuendo in Windows, this system streams VSL samples just the same in OSX Nuendo, if I decide to use it.

    Maybe you have a faulty drive? 

  • I think part of the problem is that on that Mac, it's only SATA II, whereas on the PC it's SATA III.

  • Thanks for the replies everybody. Whatever the problem is, it's probably my Mac. Because the drive works fine in my PC. I'll try a different SSD soon to see if my Mac has problems with that as well.

  • no answer to my above message ???