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  • First of all,

    I would appreciate it if this thread wasn't about PaulR's language, or Mr. Asher's 'proactively reaching out,' (best euphemism I've seen in a while, btw) but, rather, the problem at hand. That is, how do I get a multitimbral instrument to work in Logic via VEPro. I've tried, and failed, notwithstanding following the directions in the video to the best of my ability.

    Thank you,


  •  Hi Bombadil,

    is there any special reason that you didn't contact VSL support, as our product manager Paul has suggested in the 2nd post of this thread?

    So you would not have been forced to spend any money to get things up and running.



  • Yes exactly right. This is what you'll always get though. 'DID YOU CONTACT SUPPORT"

    And yes, I will no longer be coming to this forum in future because there is no longer any point afaic.

  • Well,

    I thought the forum would be the first place to ask. Also, if a step by step solution was posted here, than it would save anyone else having problems from having to contact support. Simple, really.

    BTW, I am almost there, regarding setup. I have no problems setting up multitimbral VIs in Logic, though I am not an expert in MIDI by any means. I will play with it a bit more, and see. If I still haven't figured it out, I will contact support.

    Jeez, PaulR, you have over 2000 posts here, so you must've been happy enough with VSL products for the most part!



  • I see,  maybe the informations in the "Welcome Topic" about support procedere are helpful for better orientation.



  • Thanks. You are correct; I should've read that.


  • Hello Paul, hello Bombadil,


    This is a public forum and, although members of our staff regularly visit this community board, our support department is in fact the place to contact if one requests help from us directly - we usually respond within 24 hours.


    Anyways, back to Bombadils problem: just like in Pro Tools for instance, you initially instantiate a multitimbral plug-in as a stereo plug-in in VE Pro.

    Then, you are presented with little "+" icons next to the fader in this channel.

    Clicking on these will create Aux channels with their Inputs automatically assigned to the next set of Outputs of the respective plug-in.

    These Aux channels can then be assigned to VE Pro Outputs to route the signals back into your DAW to individual channels.


    Hope that helps - please feel free to contact us at  if you need further assistance!


    Best, Marnix

  • If you like Bombadil, I will email you a 32 but VE Pro template set up multitimbrally with a Logic project to connect to it.

    BTW, not to be defensive here, but I help people for free all the time when I can do so by sending a template or typing a patagraph or two, but since he wrote,

    "I'd like to add that I am almost a complete midi-idiot.

    I would deeply appreciate it if someone would walk me through setting up a multi-timbral instance, using language that a 5 year old would understand.

    Please help!"

    I concluded he would need a more extensive expenditure of my time (and expertise) to help him, and that I do not do for free. That said, apparently contacing him first ws poor form and once again, I apologize to anyone who is offended by that.

  • Just wanting to defend Jay here. I do similar consultation work and on occasion myself have sent users a PM if they were stuck.

    I think offering a service in a civil manner is not a crime - there is no obligation to go along with it and I'm sure Jay doesn't mind if people don't want to spend the $$ for some private help. Jay has worked hard to learn what he knows and I see no reason why he should be chasticed for seeing a business opportunity.

    In any case, I think the topic has been answered satisfactorily. Allow me to refer to my tutorial at which also contains a section about aux setup with some screenshots.

  • These forums are meant, partly, to offer help and support to people who are having problems. I know many forums in which such a solicitation would result in immediate banning. If Mr. Asher would like to offer his services, he should either pay to advertise those services, or help in the spirit in which these types of forums were made, not hover around like a vulture looking for business opportunities. I find that creepy and slimy, especially by someone who isn't in particular need of the bread. Different value set, I guess. I give of my expertise in my chosen field, often with no expectation of financial gain, just because it makes me feel good to help people. Furthermore, the interval of time between when I asked the specific question and the time I was solicited was about an hour or two, hardly long enough to give anyone else the time to answer.

  • I also want to chime in here in defense of Jay.  While, perhaps the best choice was not made in this case, I have been around enough music DAW/instrument sample forums long enough to be well aware of how much help Jay has indeed provided others.

    Also, a couple key and highly valued members of this forum, who provide considerable free advice and help in the VSL world have also mentioned their own websites, which also provide "non-free" VSL related help.

  • Look, I made a mistake apparently, I have accepted esponsibility for it, and I have apologized to him both privately and publicly and offered to send him templates. That is all I can do, so he now owns it, in my view. 

  • First: this is not your forum--it is our forum. That is, it's all of ours. It's a community. We should not have to be exposed to your hostile language. It is uncomfortable and unnecessary. 

    Second: you don't have to be a computer geek to get it, but if you're working in this world––esp, but hardly exclusively with VSL––you better know at least a thing or two. If you don't, be humble enough to learn. Unfortunately, you can't wake up one morning and have the chops if you don't have experience. This isn't entry-level software, but it isn't rocket science either. It takes some effort and investment. It's not the job of professionals making professional gear to also make it immediately accessible to all users regardless of experience. It's their job to make it as accessible as possible relative to what it is. I hardly think VSL has failed on this point, and they are hardly haughty. They help anyone and everyone regardless of the problem and experience, given that they are cooperative. Even then they help.  Anyhow, this is not really the issue in this case. The matter is not one of great complexity. Just a little learning and patience. 

    Third: Yes, setting up a basic multi-output instrument ought to be managable from the first. This doesn't mean that you are above reading the manual. Getting "buried" in p49? Go to the contents, look up Logic setup, go to that page, read the sentence, or look at the picture that tells/shows you to click on the "+", and you're all set. In other words, sorry if all of this can't be gift wrapped to you. You might have to do what all of us have done at one point or another, and continue to do--learn.  Try learning an Eventide.  Your head might explode. 

    Fourth:VSL tech support is among the best I've encountered, and I've been around the block a few times. A simple click on the support link, if you are not inclined to read the page in the manual, would do wonders. Most likely, the response would resemble the manual, insofar that this isn't a problem per se, but an end-user knowledge issue, which the manual makes fairly clear. A less hostile attitude, and I'm sure many forum members would have gladly helped. I know they have with me, esp when I was new and had little idea about what I was doing. And when the owner asks you to refrain from the use of hostile language, it's probably a good idea to oblige, or at least to be a bit more cordial.

    Finally: In answer to your question, "who...wants to get buried in page...49 of a pdf?" well, I do, if it will help. I mean, it's a page. And a PDF. It's not The Phenomenology of Spirit after all (I'd avoid that one, btw.)  

  • [quote=Paul]Adding a multi-timbral instrument in VE PRO 5 is described on page 49 of the

    Thanks Paul. The manual says:

    >Multi-timbral plug-ins in Vienna Ensemble PRO
    >If you are using multi-timbral plug-ins like Vienna Instruments PRO, Omnisphere or Kontakt...

    When did Vienna Instruments PRO become multi-timbral? AFAIK the Vienna Instruments player operates in MIDI 'omni mode' and can't assign different sounds to different MIDI channels.

  • last edited
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    @Conquer said:

    When did Vienna Instruments PRO become multi-timbral?

    You can assign different ouptuts on Matrix level inside VI PRO. This is useful if you want to process certain sounds within an VI PRO instance differently.

    For example on Matrix is performing regular articulations and another one muted articulations. This enables to stay within one VI PRO instance for a dedicated instrument and applying different EQ, Reverb, Compression plugins within VE PRO.



  • Thanks Herb - just to be clear, the audio can be separated routed within VI PRO as you described, but the patches still all play the same MIDI part? I always took "multi-timbral" to mean *MIDI* multi-timbral.