Released today...
Andi, have you had a chance to check it out?
Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
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I installed Finale 2014 this morning and it crashed at launch every time. Make Music tech support spotted the problem in less than a minute. The following AU compnents had to be removed from the HD/Library/Audio/Plugins/Compnents folder for Finale to launch:
Vienna Instruments.component Version 4.1.9753
ViennaEnsemble.component Version 4.1.7553
Presumably these are 64 bit and Finale 2014 is still 32 bit, art least that was the assumption.
Is there anything i can do about this or do I need to use a bridge (I have plogue Bidule and jBridge) to use these instruments in Finale?
Did I miss and update and/or is there a 32 bit version? Finale should go 64 bit "eventually" but I'm not holding my breath.
Thanks for any suggestions or assistance.
Bogdan, I'm not at the office currently, but as far as I remember, you have to load the Finale file with the Special Edition Human Playback Preferences one time to make them available.
Mike, our AU components are 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. I have seen that you are using old Vienna Instruments and Vienna Ensemble versions with OS 10.9. Installing the latest Vienna Instruments/Vienna Ensemble version should solve your problem.
Best regards,
Hi Andi,
Thanks for you fast response. However, I can't find where is the place to load HP file. I understand that one time will do the trick...but where exactly to load the file . I coudn't figure out yet...It seems that Finale 2014 is configured differently has , duplicate , delete , default...but no import...or at least , I can't see it ...
Yes, no Import button. Not sure what their plan is.
Do you have a previous edition of Finale? If so, you can open an older file with the HP preference you want to import attached to it. When you un-check the "Attack" box, it will let you make a copy in Fin2014.
Hi ,
Just a quick notoce: I haven't been able to get output sound from Fianle 2014 using SE sound set and VE pro 5. Maybe is just me...I would really apreaciate if someone tried and had other results. On the other hand I tried with other soundsets (xsample) and the same thing with Kontakt 5 as sound...I saw the metter in Fin 2014 mixer indicating sound but ...nothing else ...
Don't know yet what is the issue..I might migrate back to finale 2012 /2011...till the waters are going to calm down a bit...
Here's how to get the Special Edition Human Playback Preferences into Finale 2014:
- Open the Finale file "F2009+VSL-SE_HumanPlayback" that can be downloaded from our User Area.
- Go to the Human Playback Preferences menu and uncheck the "Attach to file" option.
- When prompted, agree to making a copy. The preferences should now be available on the list for all future documents.
Bogdan, there are no problems with sound here (Windows 7 x64).
So Andi... Since the custom text bug seems to be fixed, is there a chance that you'll be releasing HPs for the full instruemnt collection? By the end of the week? (heh heh) [6]
Hi Bill!
I will have to check out HP for Finale 2014 a bit more in depth, before I can say anything about it. Anyway, I won't hold my breath for HPP for the instrument collections. Most likely it still is better to trigger all the different articulations manually with help of the keyswitch dump file we provide.
Can anyone confirm or deny that CC11 values change when using CC1 to move around the matrix? For example if you've set dynamics to use 'CC11 + velocity' and you're using CC1 to move to rows in a matrix for a given instrument, CC11 will inadvertently get set to the CC1 value used to change patches.
I did it, but it seems they are ignored in both my mac and mi PC... no KS nor expression is sent to VE or VI Pro.
Any other issue? Anybody else experiencing that?
I'm still using the demo, I won't buy if it doesn't fix...