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  • setting up crossfades between articulations

    I want to be able to automate a crossfade between, say, a tuba legato and sforzando. I don't know where to look for this information. I've been using CC2 but I gather I might have to do a volumn or expression controller.

    Anyone know?

  • Hi, 



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Thank you Psul.

    Yes I realized earlier it was probably slot crossfade I was looking for. Now I still have to figure it out.


    Ed Gold

  • I have gone over this multiple times and still I'm doing something wrong!

    I've set the Y axis to CC1, and have used the crossfade activation in the window. But it is still not staying in the second row and doesn't crossfade but simply changes. How do I get it to slot crossfade?

    I'm doing something wrong with the mod wheel apparently as it controls which row I'm in and I still don't know how to smoothly change even if I keep it high.

  • The X and Y axis controllers have nothing to do with crossfades. They are for selecting matrices. Slot crossfades are between the slots containing the patches for a given matrix. When you choose a matrix and go into advanced view you will see in the upper right hand corner the slots labelled 1b, 1b, 2a, 2b etc. The slot crossfades controls the transition between the a and b slots. For a slot crossfade, you need to load patches into the a and b slots. It sounds like you're trying to xfade between matrices. The slotX control is the controller for slot cross fades btw.

  • Hi Edward, hopefully that explanation did the trick? If not, try starting from scratch with an empty player, select the 'Advanced' view, then drag and drop a *single patch* from the Patch list into slot 1a. Then drag a different patch into slot 1b. You can now cross-fade between the two slots by using MIDI CC20 commands. To change the CC controller number to CC1 (= mod wheel), select 'Ctrl Map' (lower left of screen), select 'SlotXF', click on the box underneath 'Source', select 'Controller' and change the CC number there. HTH!

  • Thanks John and Conquer. I am also trying to automate this and have been somewhat successful by putting CC1 into the Logic 9 window. But what I want at present is a nasty snarly attack (brass group sf?) quickly getting softer and smoother to allow for the narration following to sound through.

    Is not the term I want "cuvèe"?

    I really do need to master slot crossfade but maybe it's not exactly what's needed here?


  • last edited
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    Cuivré (meaning 'brassy', see

    You could try putting a 'sffz' or 'sus blare' patch in one slot, and cross-fading to 'fp' or 'sus' in the other. The sffz patches generally have the fiercest attacks in the VSL collections.

  • Yes, but I don't think I have any of the sffz or sus blare in any of the the brass samples I have so far. For the moment, I think I'll just have to make do with the Special Edition patches I already have.

  • The SE brass sforzatos (sfz) are pretty powerful...

  • OK, using SlotXF is now clear. Additional question: when switching form a to b gradually, will be the b-slot on top of a-slot?If not, then theoretically I can gradually switch from sVib to sVibEpxress (weird situation).
