Routing Reaper to different VE/VE-Pro MIDI Ports
Hi all, I am only able to route Reaper tracks to VE/VE-Pro's "VE Plugin MIDI in 1" port when I use VE/VE-Pro as a plugin in Reaper (I would like to use more than 16 MIDI per instance). I am unable to utilize any other MIDI ports in VE/VE-Pro, though I've tried a number of possibilities. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you.
I'll reply with what I 'think' you should be able to do but will qualify with the fact that I had problems with this.
You would insert another plugin and insert the Vienna Ensemble Pro Event Input plugin. Set the midi input to channel 2 and you now have another 16 midi channels in the same instance of VEPro. This is important to be able to do if you're using MIR inside VEPro for example.
However as I said I couldn't get the instruments routed to the 'Event Input' track to playback properly. That is there was no sound from those tracks. So I don't know if this is a shortcoming with Reaper or what.
Thanks very much winknotes, Can you be a little more explicit about "couldn't get the instruments routed to the 'Event Input' track to playback properly"? I've posted some screenshots on the Reaper Forum if that's of any interest to you... http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=130281 On a related note, I have a colleague who runs a nicely loaded VE-Pro/VI-Pro/MIR-Pro/Vienna Suite etc. get-up with Cubase, and it's very well coordinated MIDI-wise with the VST maps and VST Expression capabilities. The only problem (and my friend agrees) is that Reaper's audio quality imo sounds superior to that of Cubase. If only Reaper would support VST3... Do you have any thoughts on this issue?
I've never understood how one DAW can sound better than another in terms of audio quality. The audio quality would come from the soundcard and the samples and sample engine your using correct? Not from the DAW itself. Unless you mean once you've bounced some tracks to audio then perhaps there is a difference.
I'll take a look at your screenshots and I'll make some of my own if I have a chance this evening.
EDIT: The guy who answered your post in the Reaper forum may have explained why it didn't work for me. I don't know what 'anticipate FX' does and if that's really a bad thing to turn off.
Anyway you can do what he suggests and use multiple VEPro instances. Or as I suggested instead of loading another instance of VEPro in a new track load an instance of VEPro Event Input. Have you ever used the event input before?
@winknotes_282 said:
I've never understood how one DAW can sound better than another in terms of audio quality.
All DAWs sound the same. If one particular DAW sounds different, it is incorrectly programmed. The differences will happen once you start adding plugs and take things like pan law into consideration. All of this is very easily tested using null tests.
Aah. That's how you expand a single VEPro instance to more than 16 midi channels. Again I'll post some screenshots when I get home, but basically you'd create another track in Reaper, insert a VST but you'll choose the Event Input Plugin. You'll get a small window where you'll set the channel to 2. Then back in your VEPro instance, when you add an instrument you'll set it to 'VE Plugin MIDI 2'. Then the associated midi track will route to the track with the Event Input Plugin.
And as the guy on the Reaper forum pointed out you have to disable 'anticipate FX' in the Reaper options.
Here are some screenshots with some text to better explain what I was trying to describe in my last post. Let me know if there are any problems. Youtube didn't like my windows media file format but said it processed it alright.
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