Can someone tell me where/if manuals exist for VI or VI Pro for a prospective purchaser to peruse or do you
have to first buy it or get the demo ? I am trying to understand it before purchase and unfortunately the video
tutorials go by too fast, and the one 30 pager I found on Pro doesn't go into explaining the matrix very well.
I purchased Beat Kaufmann's tutorial and wanted to work through reading it before figuring out what to purchase
and very quickly realized I actually need to RTFM. Or is there some third party book I can buy that explains
Instruments to mere mortals ? I am not a newb but this will be my first purchase of some heavy duty libraries
and tools (I'm looking at Suite, VE Pro, and maybe complete Chamber for starters). Right now I've just got
what came with Kontakt 5, Miroslav, Garritan Jazz and a few playtoys. I'd like to really study the Instruments
manual. Tnx.