@Oceanview said:
I wonder whether anyone could comment on the difference between the Bosendorfer in the Special Edition and the full Bosendorfer - both in terms of sample content and also the sound? I'm at risk of taking advantage of Vienna's current offer ...
I believe the main difference between the two are the velocity layers. The Bos in SE only has three layers? The full library OTHO has eight layers I think.
The SE Bos is sampled at whole tone while the full library is sampled at half tone. For piano, this doesn't make that much of a difference in sound quality.
And the two mic positions as mentioned before.
I tickle the ivories on occasion and can afford the Imperial but 100 velocity layers per key is a little overkill for my needs[:O]
However, I wish Vienna would record at least four more layers for the Bos full library and offer it as an upgrade for a $100 or so[:D] I believe the industry standard is twelve layers with some going up to fifteen or eighteen.