I'm continuing my project to create a complete performance of Kaikhosru Sorabji's 2nd Symphony "Jami" using Sibelius and VSL (big collections). It's only n the last year that I've eventually got over the hardware and software issue to be able to start doing it. 24GBs of RAM, SSD drives, 64bit system etc. and for seven months I've been working on the third movement which alone lasts over two hours and requires 120 virtual instruments.
Having completed 72 minutes though I have decided it's not good enough because I'm not good enough at using VSL to its optimum so I am taking a break to learn to improve my skills. However I didn't want to let what I have done go to waste and so have uploaded what I have done so far for anyone who may be interested.
If your interest is at all piqued I have a very amateurish blog where I have been charting the progress which you can read here.
This music is extraordinary and unlike anything you will have heard or indeed are ever likely to hear. A virtual performance is almost certainly the only performance anyone will ever hear.