Hello fellow hornblowers
I'm in the process of upgrading my vienna. I'm sitting on the Vienna Special Edition Vol 1 and am interested in your advice.
I'm mainly a strings kinda guy. The horns that comes with the Special Edition sutes me just fine. So I'm thinking of upgrading to VSE PLUS or VSE Strings Vol 1
What would you advice?
Thank you kindly
what to upgrade into
Hi Andreas,
If you already have Special Edition Volume 1, you already have the SE Strings VOL 1.
The choice I see:
1) More string sounds (Chamber Strings, BONUS Appassionata Strings) => SE Strings Volume 2.
2) More articulations for your existing Strings: SE Strings Volume 1 PLUS. => Sample Content.
3) Even more strings (Appassionata & Muted Strings): SE Volume 3.
If you like a specific string ensemble a lot, the Instruments Collections with tons of articulations will be interesting.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
oh, thanks a MILLION!! It would have sucked to buy the strings and found out after that I already had all the sounds :) Does it work with Vienna SE 1 and SE 3 without having Vol 2? is it just pick and mix or is it a requisite to have them in sequence 1, 2, 3, 4... Thanks