@Another User said:
what possible reason is there for this number coming back?
I won't be printing 300 stems, nope. My plan was to have one main mixer (the one from Cubase), so I can mix everything in one, so I wanted all of the outputs of all instruments there, giving me a nice view of all my outputs at once. From here I'd be routing some sends to different reverbs etc. So what you're saying is using 3 mixers basically, Cubase mixer, VEP 'sub'mixer on the slave, and the VEP 'sub'mixer on my master. This would for me defeat the "one mixer solution" that I was keen on using...
The next reason was that VEP does not support Cubase insert effects (Cubase not letting others use their inserts) and VEP does not recognize all of my third party insert effects either. So for those instruments that need them, I would have to route those outputs specifically to Cubase, because Cubase supports all of these inserts. In the end I would then have a mixture of some outputs not going to Cubase to mix, and some going to Cubase to mix, thus I opted for 'all' going to Cubase, so I could be as flexible as possible, because I don't always know which instrument will be needing these extra inserts.
The next reason is that I want most of my outputs of my slave VEP to be able to go into MIR of my master VEP, so each instrument sits differently in the room. If I'm not mistaken, the way of doing this is having an output for each instrument and using the audio input plugin on each, linked to the INs of my master VEP. (I will never be playing 200 instruments at the precise same time in MIR, for which I'd need at least double my CPU power, but I want the instruments to be placed individually across MIR, so for their passages they can be moved/mixed/edited each separately)
If I'm not mistaken, my reasons would mean that I cannot build my setup the way you told me I should. Or is my setup a bit too unrealistic? Is my setup not the way it's supposed to be, not very optimal?...
I do have a question: As I pointed out in an earlier post, I can use all of my 300 slave VEP outputs within Cubase without using the audio input inserts. This way I could use MIR within Cubase, and have all of these outputs and the outputs of my master VEP joined here. This seems to work, looking at delay, timing etc. Is there a drawback to using MIR in Cubase, rather than in VEP? MIR seems to run more 'separately', being in its own window and in the system tray.
Thanks a lot for all of your feedback so far!