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  • Symphonic Composition Using all VSL

    Here is an original composition using all-VSL instruments that includes strings (appassionata, dimension violins and cellos), woodwinds (2 each of flutes, clarinets, oboes and bassoons), brass (dimension brass - 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones tuba) and percussion.

    Corte Swearingen


  • Jsut had a listen. Very nice arrangement, and your use of VSL is very good indeed. When the faster part kicks in that really shows how much work went into this.

    Very nice, thanks for sharing this.

  • Hi Corte

    Nice to meet you here (and you Hetoreyn as well of course).

    - Nice composition

    - Beautiful transposed with the samples

    - Very nice mixed (absolutely to my taste)

    That's music! Congratulation!!


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Thanks Beat & Hetoreyn,

    Hetoryen - I used to listen to all your VSL podcasts and learned a lot from them, so thank you for your comments.

    Beat - I used your orchestral templates and presets for all the mixing. The presets really made my life easier.

    I'd also like to thank Guy Bacos for encouraging me a few years ago when I was first starting mockups and by providing some tips I still use to this day.


  • Really beautiful. Nice to start the day with.



  • Very nice! A beautiful blend of strings and WW, my fav sections in the piece. You've come a long way from the first compositions I've heard from you a few years ago. Keep it up! 

  • I like it. It has that Aaron Copland Appalacian Spring feel about it. I like Americana music.

  • Enjoyed bot the mistery and the beauty.

    VI Special Edition 1-3, Reaper, MuseScore 3, Notion 3 (collecting dust), vst flotsam and jetsam
  • Beautiful orchestral palette and superbly rendered.

    Did you use MIR? Not at all intrusive just perfect. Very Copland.


  • I appreciate everyone's comments - thanks.

    Kanon - While I have MIR, I still just can't seem to get it to work well for me. By that, I simply mean I putter around with it and change setting after setting after setting, but still can't get the quality of sound I can get from the Vienna Suite (for my ears). For this piece, I just used the Vienna Suite and Beat Kaufmann's orchestral presets, which position all the instruments, apply the proper EQ, depth, compression and reverb. I didn't tweak Beat's presets at all - they were just perfect for this piece. It saved me a lot of time. They aren't that expensive and you can purchase them on his site (Just for the record, I have no affiliation with Beat - I just like his stuff).


  • I did want to mention on little thing that bothered me, but I forgot while enjoying the rest. ;)

    In the clar opening, you have a nice melodic passage, I noticed you were careful to have smooth attacks on each notes. I think it would sound more realistic if you vary a bit your attacks, even if on some notes the attack is sharper, as least keep it soft. It's the variety of the attacks that makes it sound real, and too much the same attack becomes a bit annoying. Hope that can be helpful.

  • Hey Guy,

    Yeah, I hear what you're saying. I'll work on varying the attacks a bit. I tend to use the same patch over and over again which can certainly get tiresome after a bit.

    Thanks for listening and thanks for the suggestion!


  • Very good overall production work, the woodwinds especially shine here. Without wanting to be too critical (as this is almost always the hardest part to do with samples in a satisfying way), I would say that the weakest point are the strings, both in terms of sound and playing. 

    Compositionally, my favorite is the fast middle section of the first part (the same Guy left his comment on on soundcloud), has a "kick" and a freshness to it I associate with similar sections in some Mahler symphonies (f.e. Scherzo and Finale of Nr.5).

  • I like it. My favorite section was the one Guy pointed to.

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on