Novatian --
First, thanks for posting you tutorial. I do plan to try it out.
But I DO have some problems, which I also related in another post about automation of VI Instances (and other AUs) within Logic 9.1.3, and I would certainly appreciate your response. It could be I need to change a Setting or Preference somewhere. Let me explain.
As your tutorial demonstrates, at present, with Logic 9.1.3, one CAN Track automate the various CC
based settings within a VI Pro instance, if one sets up the VE Pro
template where VE Pro becomes a "multi-instrument" External Midi instrument.
At present, I set up VE Pro as a multi-timbral instrument within Logic. This allows me to automate the VE Pro Faders, and I use separate channels for each VI Pro instance. I control the VI Pro instances with CC commands entered into each Region, each Track within which a Region resides having been assigned a separate channel. I have changed keyswitches to Midi Control Commands within the VI Pro instance. The Control Map Tab within VI Pro Advanced is my guide for Controller assignments, and I use other controller assignments to control VI Pro parameters not previusly assigned in the Control Map. It is possible to graphically control CC values (example: CC2 "Breath" - 65, which I have assigned to Velocity-Xfade), as I am sure you know, through Logic's so-called Hyper-Draw and Hyper Editor I should add that I do not find these graphical interfaces particularly easy to use. Region-based CC assignments have advantages and disadvantages that I have discovered. For a disadvantage, to be sure I have selected the correct Articulation, Velocity-Xover, and so on for each Region, I have taken to always pasting these values in at the beginning of each Region. If I simply leave a Region blank at the beginning as far as Control assignments are concerned, I take the risk that the Control value from the previous Region will continue. So for each Region, I give it a fresh start, CC-wise. This is a PITA.
However, for composition, Region-based CCs allow me to quickly duplicate a Region with all the parameters I want already set up. I am SURE this is what I want, because each Region gets a fresh-CC start at the beginning of the Region. Another, major advantage, is the the Midi Event List editor shows me precisely where in the time-stream my CC's are placed and shows those CCs in relation to the notes I am trying to affect. Finally, each time I make a CC change, it is immediately reflected in the Midi Event List window, so I can correct errors, or confirm a change in its relation to notes.
Now we turn to the approach you so carefully set out in your tutorial. I seem to have a basic problem (or misunderstanding) of making precise changes to CC values if I adopt your approach. To be more specific: in order to use the Midi Event List
editor for precise edits, one must call up a special, free-floating Midi Event List editor with the key command
Cmd-Cntrl-E. Here are the problems with that window: (1) it is not
reliable. It does not always reliably show Fader events for a selected Track. Also, you must close and re-open that window to see the changes
made. There is
some kind of bug present, or perhaps I need to correct a Setting for the Project or my Logic Preferences somehow. (2) that special Midi Event List window
showing Fader commands, does NOT place them within the other Midi
events, such as Notes -- you see only Fader events. By contrast, if you
are using Region-based CCs to control VI Pro instances (as I now do), and you have
the regular Midi Event List window open, the CC change is IMMEDIATELY
reflected (without the necessity of reopening the window), and the new
event is placed within OTHER events in the Region, such as Notes and
other CC changes.
I sense you have considerably more experience than I do, and I may be missing the forrest for the trees, or perhaps the bush for a twig, as it were, given the nettlesome detail of Logic. Also, while I have Kontakt 4.2.2 instanced in VE Pro, I have not tried to control parameters within it.
So to put my query simply: how do you precisely control CC values using your approach? Is there a workaround for the fact that the special Fader Midi Event List window shows only Fader events and doesn't immediately update to show changes? Does the approach I am using have some fatal flaw, such as control of CC7 for Volume, that I cannot reasonably overcome?