I knew who the reseller was before I even opened this thread, lol...
I'm sure they used gearfest as an excuse, but Sweetwater has given me problems with digital downloads and I no longer will purchase from them. When I tried buying VEP5 through them last year, it took several days to get my license. They blamed VSL, when they knew full well that they had not processed my order. VSL assured me that there is never a hangup on their end when an order goes through as it's pretty much automated. They also didn't sound so surprised that Sweetwater was throwing them under the bus.
When I tried to inform the "sales engineer" of this he just said "They are like, half way around the world, dude." These guys don't know how the internet works, I suppose .
On the flip side, I just ordered VSL woodwinds I, Solo Strings full, and Dimension strings, all from Best Service. Not only are their prices better for me, but I got each of my serial numbers via email almost instantly. Pretty crazy considering how they are on the other side of the world and all /sarcasm.
If Sweetwaters sales team was actually as good as their marketing team, they could actually be an outstanding company. Not that Sweetwater is all bad, they are local to me and so I've done enough business over the last couple decades with them to have had both positive and negative experiences, but the negative ones stick with you longer. If anyone is interested in buying through Sweetwater and never have before, you can PM me and I'll give you the names of a couple sales guys over there that are really good and won't BS you. When you buy from Sweetwater your sales engineer will be the one who you do all your future business with, so it's important to get a good one! I'm glad to hear they got you up and running, though!