DS is my first Vienna library, so I may be doing something wrong in VI Pro, but I have other articulations working just fine.
When I load the 02 VI-P1_RE_L2_Art-Combi matrix, the "V1 F1" position of the matrix is supposed to have legato performance trills in it. I don't get a trill, but a sustained single note. The same is true down the column.
If I create a new matrix and load just the V1-P1 RE_perf-trill_leg patch, I get the exact same behavior, so I am wondering if this means that the underlying patch is pointed to the wrong samples.
Interestingly, if I load the 31P V1-All_RE_perf_trills matrix, it loads up a huge matrix of trills, mordents, etc. These patches seem to work, but I am looking for trills on a minor 2nd, and every one of these is a major 2nd. How do I get the minor 2nd trills that I'm sure are here somewhere? They are listed as present in the manual. Happily, there are more presets, matrices, and patches than listed in the manual, and they seem easy to navigate and understand, but I am wondering if there is something wrong, or if I'm missing the obvious.