Please add the folowing cell control:)
1- After touch
2- Rpeated note, if the same midi note is replayed, the user can chose to pot for the repeated performance articulation. so a repeate performance cell can be assigned to a repeated note control.
3- A universal cell control. In addion to the X and Y cells, A universal cell would great to asign an articulation to. For example: Say the universal cell is the portamento, the X and Y cells contain Short, Long, etc articulation, with a controler assigned to the unversal cell, one can alwys access the protamento no matter where you are in the X and Y cells.
4- Trill cell, similar to the universal cell this cell is special cell, in this cell you would load the performance trill articulation, if you play a note, and hold it down, when another note is played the Trill cell takes over. remember this is different than the universal cell because the univesal cell is assigen to a controler . the VIP will automatically play the repetion betwenn the selected note, and the depending hon how fast you play the next note while holding doen the first one, that will determin the playback of the trill samples and thier intervals.