Hi there. This is driving me crazy.
I've purchased MIR PRO 24 plus rompack 1. As my slave PC is not connected to the internet, I've downloaded all the files with my Mac and then transfer and installed them. MIR PRO is available in the server window but when I try to load the venue, the system says there is no venue available for MIR PRO.
I have pointed the preferences pane to all possible locations (including the default one) and even copied the data folders in the desktop with no results at all.
However, if I open MIR PRO standalone, I can load the venues properly. The path is the same for both standalone and plugin. Something weird happens though: If I open standalone and then quit, I'm not able to open it anymore unless I reboot the system.
I'm not planning to use the standalone version but I do need the plugin.
I have two folders: Vienna MIR, which contains Default ad mirep files (.vmi extension) and also the five Vienna_Konzerthaus with .vmi extension and another folder called Vienna MIR Pro containing only 4 files (Defaut and mirep)
Slave is running Windows 7 Professional.
Is there any way I can fix this without having to connect my slave to the internet and re-download all the files??
Thanks a lot in advance