With instrument setups in MIR getting larger and larger (i.e. Dimension Series), it would be very helpful to be able to adjust a few things to a group of objects on stage:
- Setting an instrument profile, character, direction, and width to a selection of objects.
- While one is able to move a selection group, it would be GREAT to have them stay in line to a single point (i.e. the main mic tree). That way you can shift sections left and right, and don't have to adjust the direction parameter for each one.
- A default seating position could be part of an instrument's profile. Re-seating objects on stage could be done with a simple command to snap them to where they would normally go and then adjust to taste.
As is, if you decide after you're done setting up you want your violin sections in spezzato seating flanking both sides, you're in for moving and re-directing some 20 objects on stage. That might actually keep me from doing that.
In the meantime, thanks for bringing MIR into our lives. :)