Using Vienna Pro 64 with Dimension Violins in Sonar X1d on a PC with an 8-core processor and 12 GB of memory. I am just beginning the track (song) so there is nothing but a piano part (using Ivory II) and two instances of DS Violins, Group 1 and Group 2.
Group 1 matrix is 01P VI-G1_RE_L1_Art-Combi. Group 2 matrix is 01P VI-G2_RE_L1_Art-Combi.
I recorded a single note line for Group 1 and a harmony line for Group 2 using pLeV for the patch in both. The notes are 1/8s and 1/4s and are quantized. They do not sound legato at all. There is a Mellotron-like "fwap" like the note is retriggering and starting a slow attack each time. I tried overlapping the notes a few ticks and that did not help.
Am I missing something basic here? This does not sound legato at all.