Sorry, I can't listen. Your links appear to be broken.
@JBacal said:
Sorry, I can't listen. Your links appear to be broken.
Oops, Sorry. Links are fixed now. [:D]
@JBacal said:
Track 1 is my favorite. It's atmospheric, mystical, lovely!
The flute is amazing. What samples are you using?
Please post some more!
Thank you,
As for the flute = The legato patches, the good ol' legato patches! [:D]
Well, here are a couple of older tracks....
The "old" tracks are also very nice indeed. I especially like the first one. Quite delicate and beautiful.
But why are all your cues so short? Just as I'm beginning to be hypnotized by the mood you've created, the pieces end. Are they excerpts from larger compositions?
Thanks for sharing your excellent work,
@JBacal said:
The "old" tracks are also very nice indeed. I especially like the first one. Quite delicate and beautiful.
But why are all your cues so short? Just as I'm beginning to be hypnotized by the mood you've created, the pieces end. Are they excerpts from larger compositions?
Thanks for sharing your excellent work,
Well, here's a track that is a little longer... a little [:D]
I find, unfortunatly that I can sometimes be a right lazy bugger. [:(]
So that is one reason that tracks are short sometimes [[;)]]
However, because I have a lot of other projects going on, time can be short (i work as an artist and Designer, music is just an expensive hobby at the moment [[;)]] ).
Thanks again for the kind words.
Take care,
Time to take a break and get some feedback, several hours work so far...
Great stuff James. Very full sound and exremely convincing orchestration as usual. Good compositional skills and things get better the more you do. Well done.
Time to take a break and get some feedback, several hours work so far...
Very nice, but again I must point out like I did once before on NS that you are using portamento legatos where IMO they should not be used. It's an articulation which is used sparingly, not for notes on end. [:D] It would sound much better if you used the regular legato violins.
Thanks guys.
[[:D]] hmm, and I was trying to disguise those portamento's a bit, [[:D]] However, I promise that the next track I post will have hardly any portamento! [;)]
Still just love those damn portamento's, it's addictive. [6]
Anyone who doesn't like portamentos is a prissy little twit. You can quote me on that.
This is interesting music and I liked the realistic orchestral performance. The brass entrances and syncing are not entirely "Midi-Accurate" which makes it sound extremely real. One of the first giveaways - which your piece does not have - is too much mathematical accuracy.
I hope you are not referring to my statement that one should be cautious using portamento because I did not write that they are not likeable. That would a rather silly conclusion.@William said:
Anyone who doesn't like portamentos is a prissy little twit. You can quote me on that.
@William said:
Anyone who doesn't like portamentos is a prissy little twit. You can quote me on that.
This is interesting music and I liked the realistic orchestral performance. The brass entrances and syncing are not entirely "Midi-Accurate" which makes it sound extremely real. One of the first giveaways - which your piece does not have - is too much mathematical accuracy.
Thanks William.
I'm not the best piano player in the world by any stretch of the imagination, but I rarely use note editing because I agree that you need to keep that human element [:D]
CAn you please let me know how you got the note repetitions to sound so good I can't for the life of me get them synced up properly they always sound out of sync no matter how I mess with the delay. I know it has a lot to do with playing but even when I quatized the crap out of it as an experiement I still couldn't get it to sound right.
Is there a way to set up a groove in logic that you play in and then get the notes to quatiize to that instead of exact notes?
@mpower88 said:
CAn you please let me know how you got the note repetitions to sound so good I can't for the life of me get them synced up properly they always sound out of sync no matter how I mess with the delay. I know it has a lot to do with playing but even when I quatized the crap out of it as an experiement I still couldn't get it to sound right.
Is there a way to set up a groove in logic that you play in and then get the notes to quatiize to that instead of exact notes?
Hi, I don't use logic so I cannot help specifically with that. But I always just keep re-playing the passage until i'm happy with it, not much note editiing involved and I don't use quantize, but I must say that I think choosing the right patch is one of the most important aspects. I don't actually use the perf rep patches as much as you would think, try using some of the release trigger patches and other patches with short attacks and combine them.
You could, at the end of the day try slowing down the composition and playing the repetitions at half-speed or so, which would help, but you'll have to be really careful otherwise it will probably sound hurried when the proper tempo is restored.
Hope that helps.
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