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  • Finale CC confusion

    I don't know if this is a VSL or Finale problem. 

    I have HP preferences set as outlined in the VSL provided HP preference file which is dynamics for sustaining instruments is controlled by CC11.  I'm also occasionally using the VSL provided keyswitches when Finale chooses the "wrong" articulation for example it often chooses sustained for slurred passages when I'd rather have performace legato sustained.  So to get to that patch I need a keyswitch and a CC1 value.  Now interestingly when I switch back to something in the top row of the matrix I insert a low CC1 value like 0 or 10 and the dynamic also drops to 0 or 10 (CC11 that is). 

    So I'm stumped.  Even inserting a high CC11 value alongside the CC1 value doesn't change anything. 

    Anyone else experience this?

  • Hello Steve!

    That's really odd. Please doublecheck the following things:
    - Make sure that CC1 only controls the Y-Axis in Vienna Instruments and not Velocity X-Fade, Expression or Master Volume. If not all of these controllers are displayed in the Basic View, please take a look at the Advanced/Ctrl Map tab.
    - Make sure that Velocity X-Fade is controlled by CC11 and indeed turned on.
    - Set Expression to a different free controller and Master Volume to CC7.
    - Make sure that there is no dynamic mark in your score that sends these values.
    - Take a look at the Human Playback/Dynamics page. I recommend using Velocity+CC11 for dynamic control.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you for the reply Andi.  I'll perform some of these troubleshooting steps this evening when I get home from work. 

    I did double check the basic and advanced view to make sure CC1 wasn't controlling something I wasn't aware of.  And in the case of my clarinet channel/staff Velocity XFade is using CC2 (default) and is actually off.  I think this simplifies the test a bit.  I also have Velocity+CC11 for dynamic control. 

    But what I'll do when I get home is set expression to something other than CC11 and see what the results are. 

  • Well this is really strange but whether I have expression or Velocity X-Fade set to CC11, a text expression set to send CC1 values sends that same value to CC11 as well. In fact if I change CC1 to another value, CC11 matches that value as well. 

    Very strange.  I also confirmed this by exporting a midi file from Finale and importing in my DAW so I could better see the CC1/CC11 values.

  • Hello Steve!

    This seems to be a bug of Finale 2011. I was able to reproduce this behaviour with Finale 2011 here. Finale 2012 doesn't have this problem anymore.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Ok.  I was avoiding upgrading because there's a different bug related to VSL as I understand where you can't export an audio file. 

    Thank you for the confirmation though.

  • Hello Steve!

    This export audio bug with Finale 2012 seems to be solved with the latest update Finale 2012c. At least it now works here on my computer. But I can't give you any guarantees. I think I have heard from another user a while ago that he still had this problem with Finale 2012c. Maybe you can get a demo of Finale 2012c and try it out on your computer.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Good idea.  I think I'll do that. 

    Thanks again for stellar support and products.  It really means a lot to me.

  • Finale 2012c now works with VI/VI Pro, but not with VE Pro, so still not usable...

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • So you'd have to use something like audacity to capture a real-time playback recording I suppose?

  • Yep. Depending on your audio interface that can be easy, or not so easy.  The better your hardware, the more convoluted using Audacity is. [6]

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • My apologies for dredging up such an old thread but this problem still plagues me with Finale and VSL.  That is Finale Human Playback seems to get confused when I insert an expression from the VSL provided keyswitch library that changes CC1 Finale ALSO interprets that numeric value for CC11 (expression).  I've checked and double checked the VE Pro settings and am certain that CC1 is controlling the matrix Y axis changes and CC11 is controlling expression. 

    One point of confusion is should I be using Human playback in addition to the keyswitch library or just one or the other? 

    I'm using Finale 2012c.  This issue has reminded me why I would like to pursue maybe using Notion for rendering playback instead of relying on Finale. 

    Anyone else experiencing this problem? 

  • Hello Steve!

    For the Special Edition Volumes 1 to 4 you can use the Finale Human Playback Preferences and if you want to add keyswitches and CC from the Keyswitch dump file. For the Special Edition PLUS volumes, our Sinlge Instruments and the Instrument collections, only use the Keyswitch dump file, as the automatic keyswitches generated by the Human Playback Preferences do not match with these libraries.

    If you want to, you can send your Finale file with the CC1/CC11-problem to and I will take a look at it.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
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