Hello everyone. i just purchased the new SE Vol.1 Brass, and will be pruchasing the Woodwinds shortly also. I've been a Kontakt user for some years, and actually prefer the way the VSL Performance engine gives you smooth legato transitions and x-modulation for velocity, and etc.
But here's the question. Is the VSL orchestral library that is shipped with Kontakt4 or 5, utilizing the "exact" same samples as the commercial SE Vol.1 VSL library I've recently purchased? Or were they sampled at a different time being completely different?
I'm just wondering how I can approach my orchestral mock-ups. It would be great if I could use my SE Vol. 1 library solo instruments, with the Kontakt VSL solo instruments, knowing that I have 2 completely different sampled libraries, which would eliminate any phasing issues, and give me true 2 part writing for those brass & woodwind instruments in my compositions.
Any info on this would be appreciative.
- Thanks
Special Edition Vol. 1 Brass vs Kontakt VSL
The samples that come as a free add-on with Kontakt are BASICALLY the same as you will find in your Special Editions, but they are now in 24 bit quality, and we have optimized at least 80% of the samples to work even smoother with Vienna Instruments.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support