I’ve outgrown the SE strings and I’m trying to decide between Solo Strings 1, Chamber Strings 1, and Appassionata Strings 1 (all Standard Libraries). I can’t afford Orchestral 1 and 2, though those have the ideal sound that I would like.
I’ll mainly be using them to play classical pieces live with a Ztar MIDI guitar controller, using a very complex program I’ve written in Max that lets me play numerous instruments simultaneously. The articulations I’m most interested in are performance patches (they work great when played from my midi guitar) legato, detache, sustained, and lots of velocity layers for smooth crescendos and decrescendos.
These are the pros and cons I see with each library
Solo 1
Pros: Performance fast and regular legato, and when I get some more money the extended library has performance detache. 3x the amount of samples of Appassionata 1.
Cons: solo instruments don’t have as “full” of a sound as I would like
Chamber 1
Pros: “fuller” sound then solo instruments. 2x the amount of samples of Appassionata 1
Cons: no fast legato patch or performance detache in extended version
Appassionata 1
Pros: Sweet sound, Performance legato and fast legato
Cons: no short detache, and considerably less articulations then the other libraries. I’m starting to think that Appassionata strings would be very useful when used with Orchestral Strings in order to “sweeten” the sound, but I don’t know how well it would work as my main string library. I’m playing a lot of classical pieces and I don’t want everything to have that “Hollywood Sound”
I’d really appreciate any input from those who own these libraries, as to which one you think would work best for me.
I guess I can sum up everything with this one question, if you could only have one of these libraries to use with the SE 1 and 2 to play arrangements of chamber and orchestral works, which one would you pick?
Thanks so much for your advice!