I posted this in the "Hardware" forum but was not getting many responses, so I'm going to try it here:
I bought the Vienna Imperial about 8 months ago and I absolutely LOVE it, but I find that my current keyboard controller, Yamaha KX8, just doesn't have a good enough key weight and action to do the Imperial justice. Are there any keyboard controllers under $2,000 that are any good? I'm a pianist and the feel and action is VERY important to me. I'd like to know what other pianists using the Vienna Imperial are using for keyboards.
I can get a pretty good sound using the KX8, but I have to play for about an hour and really tweak the midi sensitivity control to get a consistant feel and get used to it. When I go back to playing my acoustic piano (Yamaha C7) I feel whole again! :-) I know I'll never find any midi keyboard with a real piano action and feel, but what is close without spending my life's savings?
Thank you,