Hello, I'm new to the forum.
I'm ready to spend money on orchestral libraries and I've narrowed my search to VSL.
But in VSL solo strings, I found an artifact in nearly all demos I've heard:
Between 0:00 and 0:10 (VI_grace_fast) and 0:27 (VI_forte_piano_Vibrato), are good examples of this:
In this demo, do you hear a sort of "looped high pitch noise" behind notes ?
You have to listen carefully, but it's there !
I think that all vibratos articulations are concerned too.......
That's hard to describe, it's a note + bow noise (friction) + unknown noise (kind of higher flutter harmonic behind the sound).
What a pity, I really like this library !
Any user could confirm this problem and tell me if all VSL strings libraries are affected please ?
Is there an update or a workaround to avoid this ?