Like more people around here, I've been waiting anxiously to see if the early bird offer stayed on. I read "At least 1 month (until october 15). In any case, all changes to this offer will be announced in time via newsletter, as usual!" (by Paul). 15 October came and went, and the bird didn't fly, rumours were of at least until the end of the year, which came and earlier this month, it stayed as well. Given the somewhat absurd reason of my own birthday coming up, I thought... well, let's wait for another three weeks. Now I see, however, that - with no newsletter to my knowledge - the Early Bird Offer became an Introductory offer, which is 50 EU more than the previous (without instruments added, no?). Is there a sound reason for this? Could you please give a clear clue as to how long this Introductory Offer waits so I can sleep a little bit easier?