Would appreciate it if someone from VSL could comment on this, thank you.
The time stretch algorythm which allows envelope stretching curves prohibits 100% exact recalculation of the original loop points.
Therefor existing loops always klicks when any audiofile was manipulated. So we decided to drop the loops.
Maybe our software engineers might describe this kind of technical restriction more accurate tha I can do.
Thanks Herb. This does not seem to be the case with all VSL strings as they keep their loop points. Solo instruments seem to have the problem. It would be great if the engineers could find a way to resolve this as time-stretching instruments can really breath new life into many instruments that may not have seen use in quite some time.
I just tried some time-stretched strings again and the loop points are still there, let it go for a minute. VI-14_mu_perf-legato for one. If it's possible to keep the loops here with the strings, maybe something could be done for the winds/brass?
Which interval patches for wind instruments do you mean exactly? Usually they are not looped.
For most string legato patches the looped sustains are introduced when the envelope stretching is already done, so just applying stretching to the interval sample.
When you try to stretch a regular string sustain patch you will see that the loops will be lost.
That's great. I only want to apply the time stretching to the performance legato patches, so this is working perfectly. I don't know why I thought I came across some solo looped woodwinds, but I can't find them now. User error no doubt!
Herb - another question re time-stretching if you don't mind. There are no non-vib Appassionata II muted legato strings. They are the best muted strings of any library to date. I don't suppose you'll ever add the non-vib patches at this point in time. In the meantime, I tried time stretching the espressivo patches with delayed vibrato to get a longer non-vib segment, but the time-stretching had no effect in delaying the onset of vibrato. Is there anything I might do differently to get this to work? Thanks again.
@garylionelli said:
Herb - another question re time-stretching if you don't mind. There are no non-vib Appassionata II muted legato strings. They are the best muted strings of any library to date. I don't suppose you'll ever add the non-vib patches at this point in time. In the meantime, I tried time stretching the espressivo patches with delayed vibrato to get a longer non-vib segment, but the time-stretching had no effect in delaying the onset of vibrato. Is there anything I might do differently to get this to work? Thanks again.
Could you please tell me the name of the patch you are trying to stretch; where the result does not match your expectation?
Yes, it's VI-20_mu_perf-legato_Vib-progressive. I'd like to delay the vib segment as much as possible to approximate a non-Vib patch.Thanks.
Thanks Martin. So when time-stretching legato presets, I take it that any stretching beyond approximately .5 sec will obviously have no effect on lengthening or shortening legato transitions. True?