well...still trying - downloaded epic..the installer ran - although, VEP5 still cannot see epic (drat) - i've pointed at it - ha ha - screamed at it - no go - i may have to zen out and admit defeat...i've lost 24 hours on this...i'm invested and preparing to cut my losses...damn shame...the concept sounded so very cool...but it simply may be cheaper to buy a more powerful computer (and forego linking 2 lesser ones together) then it is to replace the hair that i've been pulling out in my attempt to even get to stage 1 in my attempt to using VEP5 and Epic together (a past mariage made in heaven)...ok ok...that was sad (sorry) but really - I can only give it another 24 hours...then I gotta go....
Does the standalone version of Vienna Instruments see and load the Epic Orchestra?
Hi thanks for responding! I have watched as the Epic library installed, but the stand-alone version of VEP 5 (only one I've run to-date) does not see Epic, I have not contacted support - I have read manuals and watched videos - it simply escapes me why I'm unable to see Epic (I could in VEP 4) My new approach, today, is to say the heck with epic - I have given up...epically - walking away from the pain, ha ha - I'll wait until Version 6 of VEP before I attempt that one again - if Epic was a girlfriend - today she's getting dumped. On the subject of today, I will now attempt to make VEP 5 work as a virtual effects machine, passing audio from my master computer to a slave, and then back again ha ha - wish me luck - fingers crossed thanks again for your thoughts!
It you can't see a VSL Collection, it is usually becuase:
- You haven't updated the eLicenser software
- You haven't used Directory Manager to "point" the software to the samples
- You haven't installed the samples correctly
The fact that you say it worked in VEP4 makes me think that it is most likely to be 1 oe 2 where the eroor occurs.
hi - you have identified my workflow, with respect to the continued failure to instal Epic, todate I have 1. downloaded the elicenser 2 days ago - nice and fresh 2. pointed the directory manager to my samples (went through the process of downloading twice and repointing more times then I can remember) 3.And, I actually watched - never blinking - as the install completed on a happy note - the dark skies of the Epic library failure to install have not stopped me from being able to run VEP5 as a virtual effects rack, although the latency that I'm experiencing on my laptop screams that this virtual rack (again, on my laptop) may well be best suited for mix down - as live performance of an audio input is beyond capable with my travel system I'll try midi next, and then adding another laptop into the mix All good (sans Epic) - thanks for connecting!
Did you also re-install the updated Vienna Instruments? You haven't mentioned it.
in my software section, on the page that directs me to 'epic' i see 3 download sections 1. download manager 2. download files 3. download manuals is there a 4th download file, that is not on this page, that i require to make all well - if so - good catch, I'll explore that one thanks!