Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • "mettre un bémol"

    First of all, I would like to say the good that I think about this adventure and about the people that are to the origine. It's a colossal work done with a will and an exceptional purpose. I imagine very well this "formidable" happiness for all community of musicians and composers. Having suddenly the possibility to write orchestraly, with at his disposal "constantly talented performers". This is another dimension.
    But to all that, I would want "bring a fat" (mettre un bémol in french) to the poll.
    Everyone expresses a wish:- I would want a tuba with an "emergency brake" especially for "the GLISSANDI"!... - I would want 18 french horns for the "EPIC CHARGES"... -a picolo trumpet with two "PITCH" for the "delivery man"...
    This always is the same process: the first time it's beautiful, fantastic; the second one this is well but with a "hat" this would better; and the third, the lack are numerous and unforgivable. This is not the case with VSL, it's a work in constant progression. To give a picture, it's a living being. We will help it to develop but not prejudge that it will have or should be; let it the first grow.
    ESPECIALLY and there I address to myself all the happy users of Giga format: think about all EXS24 users that are waiting to access this wonderful product that you already have in hands and, please, wait about their opinion poll.
    To finish, thank-you to the big "family" of Herb ( Sabine, Paul, Dietz, Christian, Kevin and others technicians and musicians), T-Y to the people of this great forum, and to the future users demos that will make our so live instruments (at this point they have already past the "virtual state")
    I apologise for my poor syntax.

  • Bonjour, Aliocha, et merci-bien pour les compliments. ;-]

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library